
I needed cleansing,

I needed healing….

So I travelled,

I travelled far and beyond,

I went to most beautiful and secluded beaches,

I spent hours listening to the waves crash landing on the rocks,

I spent hours watching the waves wash the shorelines,

But there was no healing…

I met people,

I trekked,

I visited temples,

I kneeled in churches,

But there was no healing…

I ventured through the jungles,

I found tranquility,

I found peace,

I sensed calmness,

But there was no healing…

Then one day I went to meet the big guy on the hill top

Big Buddha…

I sat down as lost as I could be,

Watching the beautiful ocean somewhere far away,

Watching a beautiful island spread around this big guy,

Watching the little bells and charms,

Clock went ticking,

Two hours went past,

I opened my eyes and….

I knew I was healed.

I felt light,

I felt refreshed,

I felt happiness dawning on me,

I knew I was healed.

Only if I knew I would be healed when I had to be… I didn’t have to go searching for it..

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